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accredited instructor

Fitness Scandinavia is accredited by the Ministry, Yoga Alliance USA, Pilates School Italy, F3 Yoga School England and Asociatia SFNY

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Become an
accredited instructor

Fitness Scandinavia is accredited by the Ministry, Yoga Alliance USA, Pilates School Italy, F3 Yoga School England and Asociatia SFNY

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Documents and Accreditations

Company Registration Certificate






Join Our Mentorship Programs

Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program

Let's help you find your way in the industry after graduation!
Find out more about our mentorship program.

SFNY Association

Fitness Scandinavia is a member of the SFNY association (Asociatia Specialiștilor în Fitness, Nutriție si Yoga).

This association's main objective is to bring added value to education institutions and graduates in health & fitness education.

For more information and membership visit



Our brand came into being in 2009 and after the first year has become one of the top fitness education companies in Romania. 600 trainers and sports enthusiasts joined our program only in the first few years. Today we pride ourselves with a solid team, over 6000 clients, the biggest annual fitness convention in Romania, a yoga festival and our own brand of training concepts.

Fitness Scandinavia provides services for fitness enthusiasts, professionals and amateurs alike. Our portfolio is comprised of professional fitness education, workshops on new and effective fitness concepts, conventions, congresses, fitness camps and many more.

Because one of the company founders is from Norway we are constantly inspired by the level of excellence achieved in the fitness industry in Scandinavia, that mentality will keep shaping and guiding our activity pursuits.


Events Calendar

15 Februarie - 21 Septembrie 2025 / Bucuresti

Fitness Instructor Course (8 months)

This course has 24 credits

Embark on an 8-month transformative journey with our comprehensive Fitness Instructor Course, where science meets sweat. Delve into the intricacies of the human body through in-depth studies in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Master the art of nutrition to fuel both your passion and your clients' potential.

Elevate your expertise in personal training, fine-tuning your communication skills to inspire and guide others on their fitness odyssey. Dive into the realms of training theory and periodization, crafting workouts that are as strategic as they are effective.

Become a maestro in the dynamics of group training, orchestrating sessions that unite and motivate. Learn the secrets of self-promotion and marketing, ensuring your journey to success is as compelling as your workouts.

Design transformative training programs, seamlessly blending science and creativity. Immerse yourself in the hypertrophy training realm, sculpting bodies with precision and purpose. This course isn't just about fitness; it's about mastering the science behind the sweat, empowering you to shape lives and bodies with confidence. Are you ready to redefine fitness?
22 Februarie - 23 Martie 2025 / Bucuresti

International Pilates Reformer Education™

This course has 24 credits

Introducing the Revolutionary Pilates Reformer Education created by Stefano Crocetta from Italy

Unlock the full potential of Pilates reformer techniques with our brand new, cutting-edge education program, meticulously crafted by the renowned Stefano Crocetta. With over 15 years of expertise both internationally and within Italy, Stefano is one of the most prominent Pilates instructors today. His unique, structured course is set to transform your approach to Pilates, spread across three transformative weekends.
22 Februarie - 21 Septembrie 2025 / Timisoara

Fitness Instructor Course (8 months)

This course has 24 credits

Embark on an 8-month transformative journey with our comprehensive Fitness Instructor Course, where science meets sweat. Delve into the intricacies of the human body through in-depth studies in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Master the art of nutrition to fuel both your passion and your clients' potential.

Elevate your expertise in personal training, fine-tuning your communication skills to inspire and guide others on their fitness odyssey. Dive into the realms of training theory and periodization, crafting workouts that are as strategic as they are effective.

Become a maestro in the dynamics of group training, orchestrating sessions that unite and motivate. Learn the secrets of self-promotion and marketing, ensuring your journey to success is as compelling as your workouts.

Design transformative training programs, seamlessly blending science and creativity. Immerse yourself in the hypertrophy training realm, sculpting bodies with precision and purpose. This course isn't just about fitness; it's about mastering the science behind the sweat, empowering you to shape lives and bodies with confidence. Are you ready to redefine fitness?
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Latest articles


Wednesday, 05 February 2025

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The COVID-19 pandemic was a seismic event that reshaped industries across the globe, and the fitness sector was no exception. Gyms shuttered, group fitness classes were canceled, and millions of people turned to home workouts to stay active. For fitness instructors, this period was both a challenge and an opportunity to reinvent themselves. As we navigate the post-pandemic world, the role of fitness instructors has evolved in ways that reflect broader societal changes, technological advancements, and a renewed focus on holistic health. Let’s explore how fitness instructors have adapted and what the future holds for this dynamic profession.


Dieta pentru prevenirea bolilor cardiace. Ce sa mananci pentru o inima sanatoasa.

Thursday, 03 June 2021

0 comentarii

This article is available only in Romanian version.
Bolile de inima reprezinta una dintre principalele cauze ale mortalitatii la nivel global. Intr-un articol anterior (Alimentele procesate si bolile cardiace. Pasi simpli pentru a avea o inima sanatoasa. - am discutat despre cateva reguli alimentare generale care te pot ajuta in prevenirea problemelor cardiovasculare. Astazi voi incerca sa iti ofer o lista de alimente specifice care vor actiona in exact acelasi fel. Fara a ne mai lungi, sa vedem impreuna care sunt alimentele cele mai potente in dieta pentru prevenirea bolilor cardiovasculare.


Alimentele procesate si bolile cardiace. Pasi simpli pentru a avea o inima sanatoasa.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

2 comentarii

This article is available only in Romanian version.
   Un antrenament intens este mult mai eficient decat un antrenament lung, care nu face altceva decat sa te conduca mai rapid pe drumul supraantrenamentului si intarzierii rezultatelor. Din acest motiv, am ales sa iti prezint astazi cateva modele de antrenamente metabolice, menite sa te ajute sa iti accelerezi metabolismul si, in cele din urma, sa iti atingi obiectivul final de a slabi.
Nu mai este un secret ca alimentele procesate ar trebui limitate pe cat posibil din dieta oricarei persoane, indiferent de varsta sau starea de sanatate. Printre multiplele probleme pe care acestea le pot cauza se numara inclusiv cresterea riscului de mortalitate prin boala cardiovasculara, iar in acest context, astazi vom discuta despre metodele prin care poti preveni incidenta bolilor de inima printr-o alimentatie sanatoasa.




Fitness Scandinavia is an authorized member of the following organizations:

  • - SFNY
  • - Yoga Alliance
  • - Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor


What were your expectations from the Nutritionist Technician course?
My main expectation was to get to know how our body works from a nutritional point of view. Since I am a physician and I have learned a lot of physiology and pathophysiology, in putting knowledge into practice I had shortcomings. I was and I am very interested in obesity, I wanted to understand why we were fattening and how we can lose weight .. how to express it more formally: how to calculate the calorie requirement, how to make a food plan ...?
Especially since I am a physician, I understand the diseases, I know the classes of drugs they treat, but the fact that I can think of the importance of nutrition in different pathologies and that I have learned to prepare food plan on different diseases is a real gain.

What was special?
It seemed to me that we met very serious and dedicated people, who managed to gather us and lead us all at the same level of understanding and knowledge. The fact that the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, gave us the opportunity to ask what we wanted, regardless of the level of question or knowledge. I think that this gives the course a distinct and rarely encountered aspect. Personal questions, simple, banal, are just those points that can help us overcome certain blockage points in our knowledge.

How do you feel, now that you\\\'re done?
Now, after finishing the course, I am on the one hand proud of me; that there are many things that I understand and know, but on the other hand I am in a jungle, in the jungle of nutrition information, which constantly provokes me to seek and study more. I feel like a dry sponge that craves for knowledge and understanding.

What has changed in your life and your vision?
Beyond being able to calculate calories, I see more and more how healthy eating is important. I want to teach others about this, what is healthy food ..., understanding a label ...., selecting the information that overwhelms us from all directions ... and why not, learn to live beautiful?!
We all deserve it.
Kovacs Eniko - anesteziologist, doctor specialist la spitalul pediatric Cluj Napoca
What did you expect from our fitness course?
I enrolled in this course to develop my fitness skills, the information I held was not enough.

What was special?
In the course we had the best tutors to make us realize that the most important thing is communication and to teach us the means we need to transfer our knowledge further, no matter what field we are working on. For me, this information was very helpful, helping me in the daily conversations I have with the clients of the complex, now able to give them personalized advice and guidance.

Why did you choose Fitness Scandinavia?
I chose Scandinavia Fitness because of the information I have received from several sources, it is the most developed fitness school and it meets all my needs and needs.

How did your life change after the course?
Besides having learned and experimented with new exercises for all muscle groups, we also learned elements of anatomy, nutrition, biomechanics and posture.
Tasar Ahmet - (manager Sky Center Ploiesti)
What did you expect from your fitness course?
I started this course because I wanted to be able to accumulate new and quality information in my development in this industry. Thanks to coaches Laurentiu Cical and Octavian Aldea! They explained to me what was truly essential.

What was special?
From the very first day I felt the professionalism of the school, the Master Trainers team. I worked, listened and learned with pleasure, for me these were special moments.

Why did you choose Fitness Scandinavia?
About the quality of the courses and the team I heard from a good friend and former teammate. I choose this school without a doubt.

How did your life change after the course?
Now I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m working in the field and I feel like I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m where I must be. I changed for the better, I grew professionally.
Dogaru Vlad Alexandru - CSM Ploiesti

Company info


Strada Virgil Madgearu, Nr 25D, Etaj 4, Ap 12, Bucuresti, Romania




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