200 hours TTC Yoga Instructor Course, Yoga Alliance accredited, Indian Yoga Academy™

This course has 24 credits


4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca

6500 RON
7500 RON


The Indian yoga academy specializes in all things that are related to yoga and in particular yoga education. The foundations of the Indian yoga academy are based in the genuine need to deliver authentic yoga practice to the western part of the world in a way that well-tailored and understandable this part of the world.
Autoritatea care guverneaza formarea educationala in yoga la nivel global se numeste Yoga Alliance. Este o organizatie nonprofit care are sediul in Statele Unite ale Americii. Una din politicile principale ale Yoga Alliance este acela de a asigura standarde de calitate superioara in educatia in Yoga. Prin urmare, Yoga Alliance a creat un standard educational strict si eficient pentru cei care furnizeaza acest tip de servicii. Puteti fi siguri ca fiecare scoala care primeste acreditare din partea Yoga Alliance a trecut printr-un proces de acreditare foarte strict si ofera servicii de educatie de cea mai buna calitate.
Ne bucuram sa afirmam ca acest curs de 200 ore hatha yoga este acreditat Yoga Alliance.
Cursul de Yoga Teacher Training al Indian Yoga Academy a fost creat de catre Beko Kaygee, din Marea Britanie, profesor cu experienta de peste 25 de ani in Yoga si cu o mare putere de intelegere a comportamentului uman si al nevoilor in acest domeniu.
Beko este unul dintre cei mai respectati si iubiti profesori de yoga din Marea Britanie. El este directorul si co-fondatorul Scolii Yoga F3 si a Academiei F3 Tai Chi & Chi Kung din Londra.

Vrei sa inveti cum sa eliberezi tensiunile din corpul, mintea si inima ta? Vrei sa inveti cum sa predai yoga?
Indian Yoga Academy iti pune la dispozitie cursul acreditat Yoga Alliance 200 ore, care iti va oferi toate instrumentele necesare pentru a putea preda clase de yoga intr-o maniera profesionala si empatica. De-a lungul acestor 200 ore de curs vei primi si o unealta valoroasa de care te vei putea folosi si in dezvoltarea ta personala.
Acest curs nu este numai un curs pentru a putea preda yoga ci si o experienta unica pentru sufletul tau, pentru dezvoltarea ta personala, pentru a iti imbunatati multiple aspecte ale vietii.

The Indian Yoga academy specializes in all things related to Yoga and in particular Yoga education. The foundations of the Indian Yoga academy are based in the genuine need to deliver authentic Yoga practice to the western in a way that is well-tailored and understandable for this part of the world.

The governing authority in world professional Yoga education, called the Yoga alliance association is a nonprofit organization based in the United States of America.  One of Yoga Alliance’s main objectives is to make sure that people who practice around the world are benefiting from the highest standard of Yoga practice possible. Therefore the Yoga alliance association has reached a very high education standard for professional education providers to follow. You can rest assured that any school that is accredited by the Yoga Alliance Association has undergone the strictest checks and that the school is providing highest quality classes possible.
The Indian Yoga academy is happy to announce that our 200 hour hatha Yoga course is accredited by the Yoga Alliance Association.
More importantly this course has been created by the very competent Yoga professional Beko Kaygee from England.
Beko has over 20 years of experience within the Yoga domain and he is one of the most respected Yoga and fitness professionals in the U.K.. Beko is the director and co-founder of the F3 Yoga School and F3 Tai Chi & Chi Kung Academy in London.

Do you want to learn how to release tension in your mind and body? Do you want learn how to practice Yoga? The Indian Yoga Academy offers you a 200 hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga course (RYC) that will give you everything that you will need to teach professional Yoga classes and beyond. During these 200 hours RYC you will also be given valuable tools that you can put to good use in your personal life for your own personal development.


Asociatia Specialiștilor în Fitness, Nutriție si Yoga (SFNY association)
Fitness Scandinavia is a member of the SFNY association (Asociatia Specialiștilor în Fitness, Nutriție si Yoga).
This association main objective is to bring added value to education institutions and graduates in health and fitness education.  

What does this mean for you?
Attending our informal course means that you attending a course that is recognized by  the SFNY association and Yoga Alliance.  The SFNY association will bring additional credibility to your accomplishment upon graduating our course

Examination fee/tax
Before you can be admitted to the final exam you will have to pay an exam fee/tax of 200 RON which will also give you automatic membership in the SFNY association which is valid for two years.

Payment for exam and SFNY membership
Asociatia Specialistilor in Fitness, Nutritie si Yoga
Cont RON: RO17INGB0000999913823105

Diplomas of recognition
After successfully completing the course you will receive 2 different participation diplomas; a participation diploma from Fitness Scandinavia School and another participation diploma the SFNY association.


The price for this course is: 6500.00 RON
Payment can be done in full by Credit card, bank transfer, and cash or by PayPal.

  • Rate 1: 2300 RON - When you register for the course
  • Rate 2: 2300 RON - Before the third yoga course meeting
  • Rate 3: 2300 RON - Before the third yoga course meeting

4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca


WEEK-END 1 – ASANA/POSE 4 - 6 Octombrie 2024

  • Mountain&Ext. Mountain (Tadasana/UttithaTadasana)
  • Chair/FiercePose (Utkatasana)
  • DownwardFacing Dog+ Table (ArdhoMukhaSvanasana)
  • ChildsPose&Ext. Child (Balasana/UttithaBalasana)
  • TreePose (Vkrasana)
  • Standing Twist (KatiChakrasana)
  • Plank +8PointstotheFloorPose (Khumbakhasana +Ashtangasana)
  • FourLegged StaffPose (ChaturangaDandasana)
  • StandingFold (Uttanasana)
  • EquestrianPose (AshwaSanchalanasana)
  • Sphinx&Cobra (Sphinx Asana + Bhujangasana)
  • UpwardFacing Dog (UrdvaMukhaSvanasana)
  • Triangle&Ext. Triangle (Trikonasana+Uttitha T’)
  • RevolvedTriangle (ParvrittaTrikonasana)
  • StaffPose (Dandasana)
  • Seated Twist/HalfSpinalTwist (ArdhaMatsyendrasana)
  • WarriorII&Ext. Warrior (Virabhadrasana B +UttithaV’)
  • HalfMoonPose (ArdhaChandrasana)
  • SeatedFold/West+ EastStretch (Paschimotanasana+  Purvottanasana)
  • LegsUp theWall/Inverted Pose (ViparitaKarani)
  • WarriorI (VirabhadrasanaA)
  • WarriorIII (VirabhadrasanaC)
  • HalfShoulder Stand (ArdhaSarvangasana
  • ShoulderStand +FishPose (Sarvangasana+Matsyasana)

WEEK-END 2 – ASANA/POSE 1 - 3 Noiembrie 2024

  • Side Angle & Ext. Side Angle(Parsvakonasana +UttithaP’)
  • RevolvedSide Angle (ParvrittaPasvakonsana)
  • Tree Leg SeatedFold/Hd2 Knee (JanuSirshasana)
  • CobblersPose/ButterflyStretch  (BaddhaKonasana/PoornaTitali)
  • HalfLotus Tree +Fold (ArhdaBhadhaVkrasana)
  • DancersPose  (Natarajasana)
  • Masterclass
  • Teaching Practice
  • EaglePose&HalfEaglePose (Garudasana+ ArdhaGarudasana)
  • RevolvedChair (ParvrittaUtkatasana)
  • Angled Leg SeatedFold (TriangaMukhaiPaschimotanasana)
  • HalfLotus SeatedFold  (ArdhaBaddhaPaschimotanasana)
  • Meditative/Easy SittingPose (Siddhasana)
  • Teaching Practice
  • Masterclass
  • Teaching Practice
  • FoldingTriangle (Dwikonasana/PrasaritaPadottanasana)
  • Pyramid/ ExtremeFold(Parsvottanasana)
  • Digestion/Thunderbolt& Camel(Vajrasana&Ustrasana)
  • Hero&Lying/RecliningHero(Virasana&SuptaVirasana)
  • CowFace &Half Head ofCow(Gomukhasana+ DhyanaVirasana)
  • DolphinPose(Makarasana)
  • Teaching Practice
  • Masterclass

WEEK-END 3 - ASANA/POSE 22 - 24 Noiembrie 2024


Teaching Practice
  • Head Stand  (Sirshasana)
  • Corpse/ RelaxationPose (Savasana)
  • BowPose (Dhanurasana)
  • FoetalCurl (Apanasana/SuptaPawanmuktasana)
  • Lotus (Padmasana)
  • Locust (Salabhasana)
  • Bridge&ExtremeBridge (DwiPadaPitham/SetuBandhasana)
  • Lying/Reclining/UniversalTwist (ShavaUdarakarshanasana)
  • Teaching Practice
  • PrayerSquat/BirthingPose (Pavesana)
  • Lion (Simha/Simhagarjanasana)
  • Reverse Bow/Whee l (UrdhvaDhanurasana/Chakrasana)
  • AbdominalTwist (JatharaParivrtti/Parivartanasana)
  • Teaching Practice
  • Masterclass
  • PrayerSquat/BirthingPose (Pavesana)
  • Lion (Simha/Simhagarjanasana)
  • Reverse Bow/Whee l(UrdhvaDhanurasana/Chakrasana)
  • AbdominalTwist (JatharaParivrtti/Parivartanasana)
  • Teaching Practice
  • Masterclass

WEEK-END 4 20 - 22 Decembrie 2024

  • Hatha Yoga Masterclass
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Lunch Break
  • History of Sivananda Yoga
  • Hands-On Adjustments
  • Hatha Yoga Masterclass
  • Sun Salutation Analysis, Teaching Preparation and Hands on Adjustments
  • Lunch Break
  • Philosophy of Yoga
  • Kidneys and Bladder Channels
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Philosophy of Yoga Pt 2
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Joint Structures and Limitations in various bodies
  • Lunch Break
  • Sanskrit Counting, Mantras and Chanting
  • Liver and Gallbladder Nadi Channels
  • Hatha Yoga Masterclass

WEEK-END 5 24 - 26 Ianuarie 2025

  • Yoga Pop Quiz plus Q & A
  • Progressive Planning & Programming
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Lunch Break
  • The 3 Bodies, 5 Sheaths and 5 Pranas
  • The Five Learning Styles
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Prana & the Pranic Body Continued

  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Moving and Static Asana Meditation
  • Lunch Break
  • Heart and Small Intestine Channels
  • The Three types of student and/or teacher
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • A Brief History of Iyengar Yoga
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Lunch Break
  • Joint Structures and Limitations in various bodies
  • Pericardium and Triple Heater Channels
  • Qualities of a good teacher
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation

WEEK-END 6 21 - 23 Februarie 2025

  • Yoga Pop Quiz plus Q & A
  • Generic Yoga for Special Populations
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Lunch Break
  • Stomach and Spleen Channels
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Lunch Break
  • Joint Structures and Limitations in various bodies
  • Lungs and Large Intestine Channels
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • A Brief History of Ashtanga Yoga
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation
  • Teaching a Yoga Class
  • Lunch Break
  • The Yoga Business
  • Yoga Posture Analysis and Teaching Preparation

Exam 20 Martie 2025


4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca

Location - FS Studio

Strada Putul lui Zamfir, nr 37, District 1, Bucharest


4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca

Terms & Conditions


You have 5 days to pay the price of the course so that you can keep your place in the course that you have chosen. The registration price is non refundable except in the case of illness or injury. In this case we will require a medical certificate from an authorized doctor. The last cancelation day in the case of illness or injury is 14 days before the course. After that the price of the course is non refundable.

In the case of illness or injury during the course or before the course, you will not be refunded but you will be offered to take the course on another suitable occasion such as the following: in the cases of injury we will be able to reschedule you in another course/ event in a maximum period of 6 months; in the case of pregnancy we will be able to reschedule you on another course/ event in a maximum period of one and a half years. We will require a medical certificate from an authorized doctor confirming your illness or injury.

We will not be held responsible for any illness or injury attained during the course.

We recommend that you are fit and healthy to attend our course. Your registration to this course is your consent in our recommendation. Your registration to this course is also your assurance to us that are fit and healthy to attend our course and that you agree that we will not be held responsible for any illness or injury attained during our course.  

We reserve the right to change the content, the hours, the dates, the location and the teachers of this course.

We kindly ask you to respect our rules and regulations during the entire duration of the course.

4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca

Examination system

Examination will consist of both practical and theoretical exams and assessments that will be done both during and at the end of the training course.

At the end of the course students will return for a final assessment day consisting of both a written exam and a final practical teaching assessment;

The written exam will mainly consist of multiple choice questions and is designed to assess how well participants have absorbed course content. The theory exam will include questions on all aspects of History of Yoga to proper Asana technique and everything in between!

Lesson planning is another aspect of the students final assessment and is designed to determine how well the students have understood the concept of logical Yoga class programming in the sense of proper warm up, main lesson content (with a logical order of exercises) and a suitable cool-down. The lesson plan should also show detailed information on cueing, teaching points, motivation, prohibition, progression, regression, adaptation and modification. The lesson plans will be marked and referred to during the practical assessment. They may also be used (at the assessors discretion) to account for any mistakes or elements that the student may have missed during the practical assessment.

•    The practical assessment will be in the form of a ‘live’ teaching experience, where the student will teach a full Yoga class and will be assessed on performance, teaching skills, adjustment skills (where necessary), scene setting and creating a suitable Yogic environment and experience.

•    Aural Questions. At the end of the practical assessment, students will be required to gain feedback from the group and to do a self-evaluation. Assessors will then ask the student questions about the assessment. This is also good opportunity for students to prove their knowledge and learning by expressing what they feel they did well, what they could have done better. Acknowledging any mistakes and any steps that can be taken to help them develop even further.

4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca


Course price: 6500.00 RON

Payment methods accepted:
Cash, directly at our headquarters
Bank transfer
Online with a Visa or Mastercard debit/credit card
Online via PayPal

  • Rate 1: 2300 RON - When you register for the course
  • Rate 2: 2300 RON - Before the third yoga course meeting
  • Rate 3: 2300 RON - Before the third yoga course meeting

4 Octombrie 2024 - 23 Februarie 2025 Cluj-Napoca


For more information on courses

Eugenia Gheorghe

+40 727 347 761

Maria Constantin

+40 735 559 252


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19 Octombrie 2024 - 25 Mai 2025 / Iasi

Fitness Instructor Course (8 months)

This course has 24 credits

Embark on an 8-month transformative journey with our comprehensive Fitness Instructor Course, where science meets sweat. Delve into the intricacies of the human body through in-depth studies in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Master the art of nutrition to fuel both your passion and your clients' potential.

Elevate your expertise in personal training, fine-tuning your communication skills to inspire and guide others on their fitness odyssey. Dive into the realms of training theory and periodization, crafting workouts that are as strategic as they are effective.

Become a maestro in the dynamics of group training, orchestrating sessions that unite and motivate. Learn the secrets of self-promotion and marketing, ensuring your journey to success is as compelling as your workouts.

Design transformative training programs, seamlessly blending science and creativity. Immerse yourself in the hypertrophy training realm, sculpting bodies with precision and purpose. This course isn't just about fitness; it's about mastering the science behind the sweat, empowering you to shape lives and bodies with confidence. Are you ready to redefine fitness?
7 Decembrie 2024 - 13 Iulie 2025 / Bucuresti

Fitness Instructor Course (8 months)

This course has 24 credits

Embark on an 8-month transformative journey with our comprehensive Fitness Instructor Course, where science meets sweat. Delve into the intricacies of the human body through in-depth studies in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Master the art of nutrition to fuel both your passion and your clients' potential.

Elevate your expertise in personal training, fine-tuning your communication skills to inspire and guide others on their fitness odyssey. Dive into the realms of training theory and periodization, crafting workouts that are as strategic as they are effective.

Become a maestro in the dynamics of group training, orchestrating sessions that unite and motivate. Learn the secrets of self-promotion and marketing, ensuring your journey to success is as compelling as your workouts.

Design transformative training programs, seamlessly blending science and creativity. Immerse yourself in the hypertrophy training realm, sculpting bodies with precision and purpose. This course isn't just about fitness; it's about mastering the science behind the sweat, empowering you to shape lives and bodies with confidence. Are you ready to redefine fitness?
25 Octombrie - 18 Decembrie 2024 / Bucuresti


This course has 24 credits

Fitness Scandinavia School invites you to the INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PILATES ™. The program was created by Italian international fitness master, CEO and founder of Italy Fitness Association (IFA) - Crocetta and Stefano and brought by us in Romania.
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