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31 Mai - 2 Noiembrie 2025 / Bucuresti

Certified Aerobics Instructor Course

This course has 24 credits

Become a Certified Aerobics Instructor - Elevate Your Career in Group Fitness

Are you passionate about fitness and ready to inspire others? Our Aerobics Instructor Course is designed to take you on a transformative six-month journey to becoming a certified group fitness professional. This course goes beyond the basics, offering a deep dive into all aspects of group training, from high-energy cardio and strength classes to boot camps and choreographed exercise-to-music sessions.
19 Septembrie 2025 - 22 Februarie 2026 / Timisoara

200 hours TTC (Yoga Alliance accredited) by the Indian Yoga Academy™ (RYS) Bucuresti

This course has 24 credits

The Indian yoga academy specializes in all things that are related to yoga and in particular yoga education. The foundations of the Indian yoga academy are based in the genuine need to deliver authentic yoga practice to the western part of the world in a way that well-tailored and understandable this part of the world.
3 Octombrie - 13 Noiembrie 2025 / Bucuresti


This course has 24 credits

We designed this course for people who finished the first level course, understand the principles of Pilates and wants to practice it easily in a higher level.  By taking this course you will make a wonderful investment for your future by helping yourself and others, making your classes more interesting with lots of new ideas.

What makes this course different is the fact that it is very detailed and informative. You will learn how to do the Pilates exercises correctly in higher level with much more exercises and in different difficulty and get the most out of your workouts. You will increase your muscle flexibility strength and stretch all your body.
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