Yoga Festival Romania, 6th edition

COUNT-DOWN to the festival start

Sam Silversides


Sam Silversides is from Canada and he has been an avid practitioner of Yoga since 2010, dedicating over a decade to honing his skills and deepening his understanding of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. His journey into the profound realms of yoga began with personal practice and blossomed significantly in 2015 when he had the privilege of studying under the esteemed Richard Freeman. Since then, Sam has completed multiple advanced training sessions with Richard Freeman and his wife, Mary Taylor, in locations including Boulder, Vienna, and Berlin.
In addition to his personal practice, Sam actively assists his friend and mentor, Ty Landrum, at various international yoga intensives and training sessions. His commitment to the art has taken him around the globe, teaching yoga classes and workshops to a diverse range of students, including in India— the origin of this ancient practice.
Sam is deeply committed to preserving and advancing the tradition of Yoga in the modern era. He values the dynamic exchange between teacher and student, embracing both roles with enthusiasm and respect. Through his practice, Sam finds both humility and grounding, embodying the transformative power of yoga. He firmly believes that with dedication and sincerity, anyone can achieve the pinnacle of what yoga has to offer.


Sūrya Namaskāra: Building Your Sun Salutation

Sunday, 1 December - 10:30 - 11:45

Sūrya Namaskāra is the warm up routine in your Aṣṭāṅga Vinyāsa Yoga practice, as well as the foundation of the practice. Both Sūrya Namaskāra A & B encompass a variety of āsanas that themselves can create a complete practice. In this workshop we will detail both Sun Salutations, practice good alignment and good breathing, and explore alternative forms for each vinyāsa.

Getting Grounded: Standing Āsanas for Stability

Saturday, 30 November - 10:30 - 11:45

For most of us, we spend the majority of our lives standing up. Standing postures reenergise fatigued legs by waking up the natural strength and sensitivity in the feet and legs. In this workshop we will focus on the actions of the legs, working the angle-knee-hip joint chain with refined skeletal alignment. Indeed, good standing postures are the key to “unlocking” your hips, allowing for more complex āsanas to become available.

Slowing Down and Dissolving: The Finishing Postures

Saturday, 30 November - 13:30 - 14:45

Many are attracted to the vigour of the Aṣṭāṅga Vinyāsa Yoga practice — but what of the poise? The extent to which your body can perform challenging postures is directly related to the extent to which you can slow down and fully release at the end of your practice. Finishing postures prepare the body and the nervous system for the deep relaxation that Śavāsana affords. In this workshop we will look at the rhythm of the finishing sequence, strategies for slowing down, and practicing variations of the more famous but somewhat misnamed Shoulderstand and Headstand poses, the Queen and the King of the āsanas respectively.
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